Thursday, July 20, 2023

Brugge with David

Bruges Town Hall on the Burg

Slightly apprehensively, I set off on July 10th for Bruges. Apprehensive in case the journey was too demanding; but also thrilled to be going back for a visit to see friends. I just caught the train from Ely on July 10th by seconds and in rather a virtuous circle, had the almost identical scramble for the Ely train from King’s Cross on July 14th
King's Cross Station

Scrambling for trains is fine for the young but for me, now, with walking pole and small case, physically unable to run, it is less than ideal. However, each time the essential deed was done [by a whisker] and on each occasion, a seat was immediately found; in Ely, the deck was cleared by a lovely middle-aged lady who offered to fetch me a coffee; in King’s Cross, from a considerate New Zealander with dangling 13 month old son squirming in his arms, who immediately gave me his seat in the crowded carriage. A reminder that the dowager’s stoop and the walking pole suggest an aged person in need of assistance; not necessarily the picture one would choose to present. However, on each occasion I did see how very kind people are to those on the upper slopes of ageing. AND did recognise how much I appreciated their kindnesses.

Celebratory bubbles with friends.
This became a familiar scenario.
David, my son, my essential companion and porter, and I, arrived at our little tourist house around 6.00 p.m. and had already received an insistent invitation from the couple next-door who are also friends. I neither eat a meal in the evening nor go out because of insufficient energy but Maria-Aida’s command to drink bubbles with her and Jan, could not be refused. In the event, we turned up at 7.00 and spent a wonderful two hours over bubbles and delicious food and chat. Another dear friend was also there and the evening proved to be both a great welcome back to Brugge and a harbinger of the days to come. That is, what seemed like non-stop socialising as friendships were renewed in various quarters. At times I did feel slightly like visiting minor royalty!! We had no time for wandering along canal-sides, as envisaged, or refreshing memories of favourite spots or shops. But we did experience a constant thrum of pleasure as we admired the beauty of the buildings en route to seeing more friends, and then felt the delights of greeting them and feeling the warmth of their friendship.

On our last morning, we had nearly two free hours [a first] and David suggested a visit to Sarah Pacini where he would buy me a birthday present. Although I did a half-hearted demurral [I neither need more clothes nor have many occasions to wear different outfits] I was delighted to go to my favourite shop and off we set. As we entered, a strangely familiar face popped up and an enthusiastic greeting came over containing my first name. It was a young woman with whom I had become friends over the years when she worked at Sarah Pacini but her name had gone which I did my best to hide. The next half hour passed in a frenzy of her finding outfits for me to buy while she simultaneously did the same for her niece whom she was ‘officially’ helping to choose clothes. I noticed a slightly helpless look on the niece’s face and knew a similar

Brugge branch
expression hovered on mine. This lovely whirlwind of help no longer even worked at the shop but she took over, as to the Manner Born; order was restored and choices made; David paid. It was not until I was back home in Bury that I undid the clothes parcel and saw the till roll which showed that my son had paid nearly 100 euros too much. He had been charged 17 and a half % sales reduction instead of 50%! Sarah Pacini [Brussels] will repay to my account! I was unable to give my son’s bank details as he is on holiday in France. Great end to a super week!

Hotel Amsterdam, Woensdagmarkt 5
Thursday 13th July 2023

One of our many destinations to be with friends

L'Estaminet, opposite Astridpark
Lunch with friends here.

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